Spicer seriously defended the typo of our dear leader, because clearly, dear leader must be infallible. Kathy Griffin’s less than tasteful photoshoot had her kicked off CNN and a ton of progressives screaming #notallprogressives and distancing themselves from it (and from her) I never cared much for her as a […] ::read more »
Let the HUNT Begin…

We used to bury treasure, as kids. Small things, trinkets we’d salvaged in dusty attics, old copper coins darkened by age, hard candy–because those always seemed indestructible to our young minds–and whatever else we could get our hands on. Generally, we’d throw these collective possessions into a tin from shortbreads […] ::read more »
20 Awesome SciFi and Fantasy books to choose from…all free
Hi there. I’ll keep this brief. Being an indie author has its ups and downs, one of the most obvious of the downs being a lack of support that publishing houses tend to provide, not just for marketing purposes but to allow for an occasional venting of one’s lousy or […] ::read more »
A confession…
There won’t be any offers or promotions in this post. Just some thoughts I couldn’t help but jot down. A confession of sorts, so bear with me, or feel free to skip this if you like. I live in a smallish place on the Atlantic, roughly an hour and change […] ::read more »
Oooops on yesterday’s post…
I must really enjoy apologizing, if you consider that I managed to yet again send out an email where something or other was broken/not working right. I don’t, really, but since technology is kicking my butt, I must, so without further ado: To any of you who tried clicking on […] ::read more »
Book Three, Legacy is now on Amazon

Hello everybody and apologies for the somewhat long silence. I’ve been busy working on the release of book 3, Legacy. I had to make a business decision to enroll all but the first book in KDP Select, which for those of you who don’t know means Amazon has an exclusive […] ::read more »
Sorry for any tech difficulties we had yesterday…
Hi everybody. I am terribly sorry for the issues some of you had yesterday while trying to purchase a signed copy of Escape. I should have tested everything much more thoroughly. From here on out, I promise everything will work much more smoothly. We fixed all the bugs so the […] ::read more »
Signed Copies of Escape Now Available

Just a few quick announcements in no particular order. First things first. We finally put together a rather painless way for you to purchase signed copies of Escape, Book One of the Alliance Series. $13.00 includes shipping to anyplace in the Continental US, and you can purchase the copy for […] ::read more »